18th January 2025

Search Ratby Parish Council

Serving the people of Ratby


Annual Returns

Ratby Parish Council is required, in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations, to complete an Annual Return setting out Accounting Statements and an Annual Governance Statement for each financial year. These statements and their supporting documentation are audited by a delegated Councillor, the Council's Internal Auditor and an External Auditor.

Financial Regulations


FINANCES 2024/2025

PRECEPT 2024/25
The Precept for 2024/25 was agreed at the meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday, 9th January 2024. Details of the Precept budget as follows:
Ratby Parish Council Precept 2024/25 (£232,454). The Council's estimated budget for the year commencing 1 April 2024 amounts to £232.454. This budget will allow the Parish Council to continue to provide improved facilities in the village.
The estimated expenditure is as follows:

Category: Council & Office Expenditure
Budgeted amount
Salaries(inc. PAYE/NI+ Pensions) £47,632

Rates/Utilities - water/gas/electric/telephone/internet/IT costs £11,650

Admin/Audit Office £7,500

Room Hire - meetings etc. £460

Subscriptions - advisory bodies etc. £2000
Training/Travel expenses £450
Christmas expenses £10,000
Donations £1000
Publicity £500
Insurance £4,500
Skip Hire £1,500
Dog waste service £5,000
Repairs & development £16,000

Category: Recreation Areas & Environment
General maintenance £24,000
Play equipment maintenance £10,000
New Play equipment £22,000
Grounds maintenance £94,000
Seats,boards,signs,litter bins £7,000

Flower boxes, hanging baskets etc. £4,500

Category: Village Support
War Memorial £3,000
Youth Projects £2,000

Village sign £6,600

CCTV Maintenance £2,500

Category: Contingency (emergency repairs/consultancy etc.) £18,000

Parish and Town Councils raise their money primarily from a levy called a precept. Any Town or Parish within the district of Hinckley & Bosworth that precepts for more than £140,000 each year has to inform its residents of that fact and provide a breakdown of how it intends to spend it.

Each January this Council's precept is agreed by Members through a process of setting budgets which forecast the expected expenditure and income for the following financial year. The precept is collected by the Borough Council on behalf of the parish council in the form of Council Tax, to which all of Ratby's electorate contribute.

Last updated: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 10:43